Holte-Stukenbrock, Germany
The urban design competition was organized by the City of Holte-Stukenbrock to create a denser urban alternative to the customary housing pattern of single residences. The task was to create an environment that uses less land per inhabitant and emphasizes ecology, sustainability and multi-generational living situations.
The agglomeration of housing units into groups of up to 12 units each facilitates the phasing of the development area. The individual housing groups each have distinct development groups consisting of different architects and developers. Each phase of the project creates a separate functional and architectural entity.

The zipped lot arrangement provides the required densification of the single-family units and allows for economic lot sizing. Each lot connects with the street on one side, and a public walkway on the other side. By allowing ample space for private outdoor areas, each lot affords “single-family residence” quality of life, but at sharply reduced land costs.​
The design proposes a flexible system of varying lot sizes that can accommodate a multitude of lifestyle choices. The modular, rational floor plan organization guarantees an economic planning and building process while fostering a unified concept.
The housing project is designed, using a unified architectural language in order to create its own special identity among the various urban conditions of the surroundings: the industrial zone to the west, the tight urban structure of the existing village to the north and the open landscape to the south. The morphology of the project fits seamlessly into the existing small-parcel residential area. Furthermore, the main axes of the new development are in accordance with the existing structure to allow for an efficient use of the available area.
The portion of the housing project bordering “Holter Street” to the north is less dense to accommodate the existing structure in this area while to the east the lots are enlarged to form a transition to the neighboring single-family areas. The connection to the light industrial area to the west consists of a landscape berm of 5 meters in height that integrates parking and pedestrian crossing. A newly planted forest at the southern end of the site connects the fragmented forest areas to the south, thus greatly enhancing the existing regional park area.
Most of the new housing units are located at the northern part of the site. The southern portion of the site will be used for recreational purposes, the main site entrance and for a central heating plant that will be powered by renewable sources such as wood particles and biomass. This area shall be planted with trees to complete the existing forest areas. During the first phase of the development, the southern portion of the site will be exposed to the noise of the neighboring industrial zone. Furthermore, the new forest will create recreational opportunities for the inhabitants, while simultaneously allow for a pleasant entry sequence to the site.